Kevin has spent over 40 years practicing the healing arts. While still at school, he suffered a serious knee injury that put paid to a promising sports career. What followed was six months of intensive injury rehabilitation and an introduction to the healing arts by a blind, retired physiotherapist from Sweden, who became a friend and mentor. This friendship of a teenage boy and a 78 year-old `free spirit' was to have a lifelong effect on him. Over the last half century, Kevin has worked at the cutting edge of complementary therapy. His research into the mind-body link gained him qualifications in sports psychology, NLP, hypnotherapy and a leap into the world of quantum physics, shamanism, and the wisdom of Huna. A recipient of an honorary Doctor of Divinity, Kevin has been researching shamanism, metaphysics and the healing arts of the Pacific Islands. He is an active fundraiser for charities supporting children's hospices and the founder of Azura, a O'hana who are dedicated to bringing smiles and laughter to seriously and terminally ill children. His wish is now to share a lifetime's collection of knowledge and techniques with the next generation.