51 books • 9 series
Susan Pearson lives in Plainfield, MA, where she grows peas and other vegetables in her huge garden. She has written three books about slugs: Slugs in Love, How to Teach a Slug to Read, and Slugger.
I Didn't Do It, I Did
"Emma's Turn!"
Arlo Rolled
Mouse House Tales (Blue Apple Chapters)
We're Going on a Ghost Hunt
How to Teach a Slug to Read
Charles Darwin and the Mystery of Mysteries
Feet Are Neat! (Begin Smart (Hardcover))
Slugs in Love
Hooray for Feet!
Drowsy Hours
The Triumph of Evolution
Day the Porkchop Climbed the Christmas Tree
Porkchop & Rosie
Silver Morning
Happy Birthday, Grampie (Picture Puffin S.)
Eagle Eyed Ernie Comes to Town
Eagle-eyed Ernie (Dart S.)
Pearson & Carlson : Lenore'S Big Break (Viking Kestrel picture books) (Picture Puffin S.)
The Spy Code Caper
Well, i Never!/Ages 4-6
The Spooky Sleepover (Eagle-Eye Ernie)