541 books • 9 series
Reports The Committee on preservative coating for structural materials 1903-1913
Official Register Volume 6, No. 16
Announcement of Courses Provided by the Faculty of Harvard College
Descriptive List of Elementary Physical Experiments; Intended for Use in Preparing Students for Harvard College ...
The Harvard Advocate, Volumes 37-38... - Primary Source Edition
The Harvard Freshman Red Book, Volume 1913... - Primary Source Edition
The Harvard Illustrated Magazine, Volume 7... - Primary Source Edition
Addresses at the inauguration of Thomas Hill
Harvard Engineering Journal, Volumes 5-6... - Primary Source Edition
Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. Volume V.24 (1899) Plates - Primary Source Edition
Harvard Oriental Series Volume 24
Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature Volume 3
The Harvard Advocate Volume 78-79
The University Hymn Book for Use in the Chapel of Harvard University [2nd. Ed.]
The Testimony of the President, Professors, Tutors and Hebrew Instructor of Harvard College in Cambridge, Against the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield,
Order of Exercises and Candidates for Degrees, Commencement 1853
Harvard Psychological Studies Volume 2
Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (Volumharvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (Volume 6) E 6)
Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (Volumharvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature (Volume 7) E 7)
Catalogus Senatus Academici; Eorum Qui Munera Et Officia Gesserunt, Quique Alicujus Gradus Laurea Donati Sunt in Universitate Harvardiana, Cantabrigiae, in Republica Massachusettensi
The Harvard Advocate Volume 82-83
The Harvard Advocate Volume 33-34
Official Register Volume 19, No. 37
Report on the Rights and Duties of the President and Fellows of Harvard College in Relation to the Board of Overseers