62 books
Vita B. Joannis Nepomuceni Martyris, Ed. Scalpro J.A. Pfeffel
Achtundvierzig Briefe Sr. Kaiserlichen Hoheit Des Herrn Erzherzogs Johann Von Oesterreich an Johann Von Muller
Joannis Saresberiensis ...
Chronica DOS ... Feitos del Rey ... Ioam II. Com Outros Obras
The Soldier's Armour of Strength, Devotional Exercises [&C.] Adapted by Pilgrim John
Spirit of St. John the Baptist
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States 1920 Volume II
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume XVIII
The Reichsbank 18761900
The Abbess of Shaftesbury; Or, the Days of John of Gaunt [By Mrs. G. May?].
Joannis Saresberiensis Opera Omnia. Nunc Primum in Unum Collegit Et Cum Codicibus Manuscriptis, Volume 1
Joannis Saresberiensis Opera Omnia. Nunc Primum in Unum Collegit Et Cum Codicibus Manuscriptis
Iohannis Euchaitorum Metropolitae Quae in Codice Vaticano Graeco 676 Supersunt
S. John Chrysostom on the Priesthood, Tr. by B.H. Cowper