9 books
Contest of 1888
Rede Von Hon. John G. Carlisle
The Parties and the Men
Contest of 1888; Lives of the Candidates, Election Statistics and Party Platforms
Contest of 1888; Lives of the Candidates, Election Statistics and Party Platforms Also, Tariff Discussions
National Contest, Containing Portraits and Biographies of Our National Favorites; President Cleveland's Message, and Reply by Hon. James G. Blaine. Election Statistics and National Platforms, Also, Tariff Discussion
National Contest; Containing Portraits and Biographies of Our National Favorites. President Cleveland's Message, and Reply by J.G. Blaine Election Statistics and National Platforms Also, Tariff Discussions
A Dollar Worth a Dollar
National Contest, Containing Portraits and Biographies of Our National Favorites. President Cleveland's Message, and Reply by Hon. James G. Blaine. Election Statistics and National Platforms, Also Tariff Discussions