126 books • 21 series
The Second Indochina War
Salerno to Cassino (United States Army in World War II) (United States Army in World War II: The Mediterranean Theater of Operations)
Supplying Washington's Army (Special Studies)
Surging South of Baghdad (Global War on Terrorism)
Stalingrad to Berlin (Army Historical)
The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders 1877-1945 (Army Historical)
Sicily and the Surrender of Italy (United States Army in World War II)
The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders, 1945-1992 (Army Historical)
A Soldier Supporting Soldiers
Report by The Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the Operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force 6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945
The Role of Federal Military Forces in Domestic Disorders 1789-1878 (Army Historical)
The Rucksack War (Contingency Operations)
Rear Area Security in Russia (Historical Study)
Papers on the Constitution (The U.S. Army Bicentennial)
Public Affairs (The U.S. Army in Vietnam)
Reorganizing for Pacification Support
The Panama Canal
Historical Study Operations of Encricled Forces
On Operational Art
The Profession of Arms
The Ordnance Department (United States Army in World War II)
Omaha Beachhead (6 June-13 June 1944) (World War II)
Merrill's Marauders (February-May 1944)