Tim Powers was born in Buffalo, New York, on Leap Year Day
in 1952, but has lived in southern California since 1959. He graduated from
California State University at Fullerton with a BA in English in 1976; the same
year saw the publication of his first two novels, The Skies Discrowned and Epitaph
in Rust.
Tim’s subsequent novels are The
Drawing of the Dark
, The Anubis Gates
(winner of the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award and the Prix Apollo), Dinner at Deviant’s Palace (winner of
the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award), On
Stranger Tides
, The Stress of Her
, Last Call (winner of the
World Fantasy Award), Expiration Date,
Earthquake Weather, Declare (winner of the World Fantasy Award)
and Three Days to Never.

His most recent book is Hide
Me Among the Graves
. The Manchester Guardian called Powers “the best
fantasy writer to appear in decades.” Tim has taught at the Clarion Science
Fiction Writers’ Workshop at Michigan State University six times and currently
teaches the annual Writers of the Future workshop. He has been involved with
the Contest since its early years, serving as one of the instructors (along
with Algis Budrys and Orson Scott Card) at the very first official WotF
workshop in Sag Harbor. He was formally inducted as a judge in 1993. Powers
lives with his wife, Serena, in San Bernardino, California.