After working as a screen-printer, graphic designer and stage manager for many years, UK-born Colin Thompson started writing and illustrating children's books in 1990. He moved to Australia in 1995. He has published more than 70 books, from picture books to novels, and is popular with children of all ages.

His books have won many awards, notably his record with the Australian Book of the Year Award by the Children's Book Council of Australia: 1999, Staircase Cat (shortlisted); 2004, The Violin Man (finalist); 2006, The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley (Winner); 2008, Dust (finalist); and 2009, The Big Little Book of Happy Sadness (finalist).

Thompson has also been awarded the Aurealis Award for Children's Long Fiction and a finalist in the Best Graphic Novel category. He was added to the International Board on Books for Young People honour list in 2002 for his illustrations in Falling Angels.