Yahrah St. John lives in Orlando, but was born in the Windy City, Chicago. A graduate of Hyde Park Career Academy, she earned a bachelor of arts degree in English from Northwestern University. Presently, she is an assistant property manager for a commercial real estate company. Yahrah first began writing at the age of twelve. While other kids were outside playing, she was inside writing short stories by longhand in one of many spiral notebooks. She went on to write over twenty short stories and plays. She even went as far as creating covers for each book and making all her friends and family sign them out and return them just like a library. Four years ago, she finally sat down long enough to finish her first full-length manuscript and after one trip to Romance Slam Jam, Yahrah was offered a two-book contract with BET Books three months later. A member of Romance Writers of America, Yahrah is an avid reader. She enjoys the arts, cooking, travel and adventure sports, but her true passion remains writing. If you would like to contact her, please feel free to drop her a note at yahrah@yahrahstjohn.com or write her at Yahrah St. John, P.O. Box 772443, Orlando, FL 32877. Stay tuned as she brings you more great stories filled with love, sizzling passion and romance.