42 books • 2 series
Botticelli (Temporis)
Roman Cameos and Florentine Mosaics; A Series of Studies Historical, Critical, and Artistic
Mystics and Heretics in Italy at the End of the Middle Ages (1922)
The Religious and Moral Condition of Italy Before the Time of Joachim of Flora
The Exultation of Franciscan Mysticism
The Holy See and the Spiritual Franciscans
Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Apostolate
Conteurs Florentins Du Moyen Age
The Mysticism, Moral Philosophy and Faith of Dante
Conteurs Florentins Du Moyen Âge
Saint Clement De Metz Et Le Mythe De La Bete (1906)
Mastics Heretics in Italy at the End of the Middle Ages
Le Baccalaureat Et Les Etudes Classiques
Mystics & Heretics in Italy
La Vieille Eglise...
L'Italie Mystique
La Renaissance Italienne et la Philosophie de l'Histoire