163 books • 1 series
Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Volume 5)
Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Volume 1)
Miscellaneous Works of George Wither Volume 3
Miscellaneous Works of George Wither Volume 4
The Great Assises Holden in Parnassus by Apollo and His Assessours; At Which Sessions Are Arrainged Mercurius Britanicus, Mercurius Aulicus
The Psalmes of David Translated Into Lyrick-Verse, According to the Scope, of the Original. and Illustrated, with a Short Argument, and a Briefe Prayer, or Meditation; Before, & After, Every Psalme. by George Wither (1632)
Fidelia (1615)
The Shepherds Hunting Being, Certaine Eglogs Written During the Time of the Authors Imprisonment in the Marshalsey. by George Vvither, Gentleman. (1615)
Wither's Motto NEC Habeo, NEC Careo, NEC Curo. (1621)
An A.B.C. for Layemen, Othervvise Called, the Lay-Mans Letters an Alphabet for Lay-Men, Deliuering Vnto Them Such Lessons as the Holy Ghost Teaches Them in the Worde, by Thinges Sensible, Very Necessary to Be Diligently Considered. (1585)
An Exact Collection of Many Wonderful Prophesies Relating to the Government of England, &C. Since the First Year of the Reign of King James I. to This Present Time. ... Written and Published ... by P.C. M.D. ...
Exercises vpon the first Psalme
A Single Si Quis
The Hymnes and Songs of the Church
Juvenilia, Volume 10
A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne; Quickened Vvith Metricall Illustrations, Both Morall and Divine
Britain's Remembrancer; (1628) Volume 1
Britain's Remembrancer. (1628) (Volume 2)
Halelviah; Or, Britans Second Remembrancer (1641.)
Halelviah (PT. 1); Or, Britans Second Remembrancer (1641.)
Miscellaneous Works of George Wither (Volume 6)
Hallelujah; Or, Britain's Second Remembrancer; Bringing to Remembrance (in Praiseful and Penitential Hymns, Spiritual Songs, and Moral Odes, )
Halelviah Or, Britans Second Remembrancer
Juvenilia (Volume 2); A Collection of Poems