19 books • 5 series
Introduction to Political Economy (Routledge Revivals) (Routledge Revivals)
Economic Efficiency and Social Welfare (Routledge Revivals) (Routledge Revivals)
Economic Myths and the Mythology of Economics (Routledge Revivals) (Routledge Revivals)
Pornography, Psychedelics and Technology (Routledge Revivals): Essays on the Limits to Freedom (Routledge Revivals)
Thirteen Persistent Economic Fallacies
Los Costes del Desarrollo Economico
Public Goods Controversy
Introduction to Normative Economics
Pornography, Psychedelics and Technology
Economic Growth Debate
Making the World Safe for Pornography
Elements of Cost-Benefit Analysis (Routledge Revivals) (Routledge Revivals)
Cost-benefit Analysis (Unwin University Books) (Praeger Special Studies in International Economics and Devel)
Welfare Economics (F.De Vries Lectures)
The Costs of Economic Growth (Pelican S.)
Twenty-one Popular Economic Fallacies (Pelican S.)