157 books
Great Names in European History
Exemplary Women; A Record of Feminine Virtues and Achievements. Abridged from 'Woman's Work and Worth'.
The Secret of Success; Or, How to Get on in the World, with Some Remarks Upon True and False Success, and the Art of Making the Best Use of Life
English Party Leaders and English Parties; From Walpole to Peel. Including a Review of the Political History of the Last One Hundered and Fifty Years Volume 2
Our Native Land, Its Scenery and Associations, Water-Colour Sketches, with Descriptive Notes [By W.H.D. Adams]
Dwellers on the Threshold; Or, Magic and Magicians, with Some Illustrations of Human Error and Imposture
The Secret of Success, or How to Get on in the World
Young Marmaduke
The Arctic World; Its Plants, Animals, and Natural Phenomena. with a Historical Sketch of Arctic Discovery
English Party Leaders and English Parties; Sir Robert Walpole. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edmund Burke. Charles James Fox. William Pitt, PT.I.- V.
English Party Leaders and English Parties Volume 2; From Walpole to Peel. Including a Review of the Political History of the Last One Hundered and Fifty Years
English Party Leaders and English Parties Volume 1; Sir Robert Walpole. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Edmund Burke. Charles James Fox. William Pitt, PT.I.- V. 2. William Pitt, PT. II. George Canning. Sir Robert Peel
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. the Duchess of Marlborough. Lady Morgan. Miss Berry Volume 1
Alpine Adventure; Or, Narratives of Travel and Research in the Alps, by the Author of the Mediterranean Illustrated
A Book about London; The Streets of London. an Alphabetical Index to the Principal Streets, Squares, Parks, and Thoroughfares with Their Associations Historical, Traditional, Social, and Literary
Famous Regiments of the British Army; Their Origin and Services. with a Sketch of the Rise and Progress of the Military Establishment of England, and Brief Memoirs of Eminent British Generals
Lighthouse and Lightships
Valley of the Nile; Its Tombs, Temples and Monuments
Scenes of the Olden Time, by the Author of 'Records of Noble Lives'
The Treasury of Modern Anecdote; Being a Selection from the Witty and Humorous Sayings of the Last Hundred Years
Household Treasury of English Song; Specimens of the English Poets, Chronologically Arranged
'Round about Our Coal Fire', a Book of New Games, with Appropriate Music
Egypt Past and Present; Described and Illustrated with a Narrative of Its Occupation by the British, and of Recent Events in the Soudan
The Threshold of Life, Illustrations and Lessons for the Encouragement and Counsel of Youth