54 books • 8 series
Arundhati Roy is an award-winning film-maker and a trained architect. She is the author of ‘The God of Small Things’ which won the 1997 Booker prize.
Checkbook and the Cruise Missile
Tales of Two Planets
Mi Corazon Sedicioso. Ensayos Reunidos
My Seditious Heart
Chinna Vishayankalin Kadavul
El Ministerio de la Felicidad Suprema
Der Gott der kleinen Dinge
Il ministero della suprema felicita
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
The Doctor and the Saint
Bog Melochej / The God of Small Things
The End of Imagination
Things That Can and Cannot be Said
The Hanging of Afzal Guru
Capitalism: A Ghost Story
How to Lose a War
The Suicide Bombers (The Spokesman)
Beato's Delhi
Shikasta Jamhuriyat
Walking with the Comrades
Broken Republic