19 books
Famous Nations; The Stories of Peoples Which Have Attained Prominence in History (1)
The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria; (Treated as a General Introduction of the Study of Ancient History)
Frithjof, the Viking of Norway; And Roland, the Paladin of France
Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria; (Treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History)
Little Russian Masterpieces Volume 3; Lesskof, N.S. the Simpleton (Douratchok) the Pearl Necklace Friends from an Old Chronicle. Dombrovsky, I. Legend of the Saturday Sunbeam. Dostoyefsky, T.M. the Beggar Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree. Tolstoi, L.N. Thr
Herakles, the Hero of Thebes; And Other Heroes of the Myth
Siegfried, the Hero of the North, and Beowulf, the Hero of the Anglo-Saxons
Little Russian Masterpieces (Volume 2)
The Story of Media, Babylon and Persia; Including a Study of the Zend-Avesta or Religion of Zoroaster from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War, (Co
Assyria, from the Rise of the Empire to the Fall of Nineveh; (Continued from "The Story of Chaldea.")
Media, Babylon and Persia; Including a Study of the Zend-Avesta or Religion of Zoroaster, from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War
Media, Babylon and Persia, Including a Study of the Zend Avesta from the Fall of Nineveh to the Persian War
Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History)
The Story of Vedic India as Embodied Principally in the Rig-Veda
Little Russian Masterpieces (Volume 1)
The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria (Treated as a General Introduction to the Study of Ancient History)
The Story of Assyria
Beowulf, the Hero of the Anglo-Saxons
The Story of Chaldea from the Earliest Times to the Rise of Assyria