390 books • 88 series
Teenage Drinking (Issues in Focus S.)
The Beauty Trap
Sibling Rivalry
The Hopi (First Books--Indians of the Americas) (First Book)
The Right to Die
The Loch Ness Monster (Mysteries of Science)
Sasquatch/Wild Man of the Wood (Mysteries of Science)
The White Power Movement
Yeti/Abominable Snowman (Mysteries of Science)
Interracial Dating and Marriage
Sexual Harassment
Environmental Groups (Better Earth S.)
Bill Clinton (A Franklin Watts library edition)
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
State Birds
State Flowers (Our State Symbols)
Big Brother is Watching
The Cherokees (First Books--Indians of the Americas)
Endangered Plants (First Book)
Teens and the Death Penalty (Issues in Focus S.)
Saturn (True Books: Space ) (Watts Library) (First Book)
Dyslexia (Life Balance) (A Franklin Watts library edition)