53 books • 8 series
Alan Wilson is an analyst/statistician for the University of Victoria who holds degrees in physics and creative writing. He was born in New Brunswick. Animate Objects is his first book.
Marketing Research + CD
Listen to Your Children
The Business Objects Business Intelligence Method
Christos Anneste
Hackney Memories (Reminiscence)
Marketing Research 1/e Value Pack
No Hero, I!
Marketing Research
Asset Maintenance Management
St.Margaret, Queen of Scotland
Hidden and Haunted Underground Edinburgh
The Holy Kingdom
Scotland P4-7 Topic Pack Paper (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)
Standard Grade History Revision Notes (Standard Grade Revision Notes)
Apache (Jicarilla)
Highland Clearances Paper (A SENSE OF HISTORY PRIMARY)
Animate Objects
Speak Navajo : an Intermediate Text in Communication
Basic Medical Navajo
Navajo Laughter
Artorius Rex Discovered (Arthurian History, #4)
Maintenance Manager's Guide to Computer Applications
King Arthur, II King of Glamorgan and Gwent (Arthurian History, #1)
Arthur and the Charters of the Kings (Arthurian History, #2)