597 books • 12 series
Fault-Tolerant Computing Fast Abstracts
IEEE Standard 8802.5-1998
Token Ring Access Method Package
IEEE Token Ring Access 15802-5, 1998
IEEE Power and Energy-Substations
LAN/Man 802.10c-1998
IEEE CSMA/CD Access Method 802.3, 1998
Electronic Components & Technology: 1998 48th Conference (EC
Lasers & Electro Optics 1998 (1998 Osa Technical Digest, #1998)
Innovative Approaches to Fault Modeling, Test Generation, and Fault Simulation Using Hdl's (FMTGFG '98)
IEEE High Performance Distributed Computing
Demand Priority Access Method, 802.12c 1998
Adjustable Speed Drives-No Software
System Sciences Vol 1 Hawaii Int Conf
31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
System Sciences Vol 7: Hawaii Int Conf
IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines
System Sciences Vol 6: Hawaii Int Conf
IEEE International Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries
Neural Networks (Icnn): 1998 Int Joint Conf **CD-Rom**
System Sciences Vol 4: Hawaii Int Conf
System Sciences Vol 3: Hawaii Int Conf
System Sciences Vol 5: Hawaii Int Conf
System Sciences Vol 2: Hawaii Int Conf