605 books • 57 series
Constructing an Inclusive Institutional Culture
Public Funding for Film and Audiovisual Works in Europe
Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data in Context of Profiling - Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)13 and Explanatory Memorandum
Migrants and Fighting Discrimination in Europe (White Paper, v. 2)
Ethics and Sport in Europe
Yearbook 2010 (Yearbook 2010: film, television and video in Europe)
The Council of Europe and Roma
The Council of Europe and Human Rights
Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights
T-kit No. 11 - Mosaic
Developing Attitudes to Recognition (Council of Europe Higher Education, #13)
Institutional Accommodation and the Citizen (Trends in Social Cohesion, #21)
White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue "Living Together as Equals in Dignity"
The Council of Europe
Penitentiary Questions
The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
Improving Recognition in the European Higher Education Area (Council of Europe Higher Education, #12)
Guide to the Concept of Suitable Employment in the Context of Unemployment Benefit
Racism on the Internet
Advancing Democratic Practice (Council of Europe Higher Education, #14)
Youth Policy in Moldova
The history of youth work in Europe (The history of youth work in Europe)
Intercultural Cities
European Rules for Juvenile Offenders Subject to Sanctions or Measures