80 books • 11 series
Slightly More Efficient Selling Slightly More Efficient Buying
War Forged Leadership
Dave Skunk 3 (Dave Skunk, #3)
Dave Skunk 2 (Dave Skunk, #2)
Startup, Scaleup or Screwup
Shot in the Mouth and Still Preaching
Lost Realms
Brand Fusion
Bloody Plum 3
Letters to a G.I.
Burke and the Pimpernel Affair
Bloody Plum Saga 3
Burke in Ireland
Bloody Plum Saga 2 (Bloody Plum Saga, #2)
Learn to Pray
Bill Tutte Codebreaker
President You
Adventures in Ink
Attack Vector
Performance-Based Contracts (PBC) for Improving Utilities Efficiency (Scientific and Technical Report, #24)
Bloody Plum (Bloody Plum, #2) (Bloody Plum Sagas, #1)
OCHS Sports in the Eighties
Do You Speak Football?