52 books • 6 series
Not Going Back
Des Anesthésies Psychiques Dites Nerveuses Ou Hystériques
Vampires Inc: Vampire Child (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Life is Forever (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: End Game (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Vampire Haters (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Hunter's Moon (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Facelift (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Ace of Spades (Vampires)
Vampires Inc: Gangs of Brighton (Vampires)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: The Warning (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: The Trap (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: Set Up (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: The End Part One (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: Changing Sides (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: Deadly Night (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: The End Part Two (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
The Matt Merton Mysteries: The Nightmare (The Matt Merton Mysteries)
Anger & Conflict Management (Teachers' Pocketbooks)
Anger & Conflict Management Pocketbook
Avalanche! (Dangerous Games)
Shadows: Night of the Crash
Shadows: City Eye
Shadows: The Enemy Inside