Andrew Mayo spent 30 years in large international organisations in a variety of roles, latterly in HR and HR Development. He is Professor of Human Capital Management at Middlesex University Business School, and has been rated by Human Resources magazine consistently amongst the 'top thinkers' in HR. His first book, Managing Careers, became the standard UK textbook for organisational career management. The second, The Power of Learning, (jointly with Elizabeth Lank) was rated by Carol Kennedy of The Director 'as the best book around on the learning organisation'. In 1998 he published Creating a Training and Development Strategy, which was rewritten in a new edition in 2004 and is a standard CIPD textbook on the subject. He regards his most important previous work as The Human Value of the Enterprise (Nicholas Brealey, 2001) which remains in demand as a seminal work in valuing people and their contribution in organisations.