Gareth Jones currently offers pro bono advice on solving management problems to nonprofit organizations in Houston, Texas. He received his BA in Economics Psychology and his PhD in Management from the University of Lancaster, UK. He was formerly Professor of Management in the Graduate School of Business at Texas A & M University and earlier held teaching and research appointments at Michigan State University, the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and the University of Warwick, UK. 

He continues to pursue his research interests in strategic management and organizational theory and his well-known research that applies transaction cost analysis to explain many forms of strategic and organizational behavior. He also studies the complex and changing relationships between competitive advantage and information technology in the 2010s. 

He has published many articles in leading journals of the field and his research has appeared in the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of International Business Studies, and Human Relations. He published an article about the role of information technology in many aspects of organizational functioning in the Journal of Management. One of his articles won the Academy of Management Journal’s Best Paper Award, and he is one of the most cited authors in the Academy of Management Review. He is, or has served, on the editorial boards of the Academy of Management Review, the Journal of Management, and Management Inquiry

Gareth Jones has used his academic knowledge to craft leading textbooks in management and three other major areas in the management discipline: organizational behavior, organizational theory, and strategic management. His books are widely recognized for their innovative, contemporary content and for the clarity with which they communicate complex, real-world issues to students.

Jul 1, 2010
Cover of Semi Detached

Semi Detached

Oct 3, 2009
Cover of Gencombo


Aug 25, 2009
Cover of Clever
