460 books • 1 series
Massachusetts Militia Claims; Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting, in Pursuance of a Resolution of the House of Representatives of
National Park at Niagara Falls
Reports of Explorations and Surveys, to Ascertain the Most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the
Schoolcraft and Allen--Expedition to Northwest Indians; Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a Map and Report of Lieut. Allen and
Regulations Bureau of the Provost Marshal
Hearings in the Matter of the Granting of Permits for the Transmission from the Dominion of Canada Into the United States of Power from the
Manual for Army Cooks, 1916
Exchange of Prisoners
Records of the World War; Field Orders. 1918. 5th Division
Message of the President of the United States, Communicating, in Compliance with the Resolution of the Senate of the 16 of December, 1870,
A Manual for Courts-Martial, Courts of Inquiry, and Retiring Boards, and of Other Procedure Under Military Law. REV. in the Judge-Advocate
Home Reading Course for Citizen-Soldiers
The War of the Rebellion (Volume 11
A Report of the Activities of the War Department in the Field of Industrial Relations During the War; September 15, 1919
Medals of Honor Issued by the War Department, Up to and Including October 31, 1897, with Laws, Orders, and Regulations Relative to the Medal,
The War of the Rebellion (Ser. 1 Vol. 34
The War of the Rebellion (Ser. 1 Vol. 40
The War of the Rebellion (Volume 04); A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies
Regulations for the Field Exercise, Manuvres, and Conduct of the Infantry of the United States [Microform]; Drawn Up and Adapted to the
The Infantry Exercise of the United States Army; Abridged for the Use of the Militia of the United States
The War of the Rebellion (Ser. 1 Vol. 37
The War of the Rebellion (Ser. 1 Vol. 28
The War of the Rebellion (Ser. 1 Vol. 35
The War of the Rebellion (Volume 09); A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies