42 books • 10 series
Interpreting Illness
In Praise of the Bicycle
Everyone Dies Young (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
Someone's Trying to Find You (The French List - (Seagull titles CHUP)) (The French List)
Future (Futures)
Of Bridges & Borders Vol. II
No Fixed Abode (The French List - (Seagull titles CHUP)) (The French List)
L'Anthropologue Et Le Monde Global
Un Ethnologue Dans Le Metro
Journey Apart: Inside and Outside Airports
Genie Du Paganisme
The World of the Anthropologist
La Mere D'Arthur
Por Que Vivimos?
Pour Quoi Vivons-Nous ?
Diario de Guerra
In The Metro
Ficciones de Fin de Siglo
Fictions de Siecel Suivi de Que Se Passe-T-Il ?
Las Formas del Olvido
El Genio del Paganismo
The War of Dreams (Anthropology, Culture and Society)