112 books • 20 series
The Gun (Cassell Military Paperba) (New Method Supplementary Readers) (Heritage of Literature S.)
Hornblower and the "Atropos" (Hornblower Saga, #5) (Hornblower, #5) (Penguin fiction) (A Horatio Hornblower Tale of the Sea)
Lieutenant Hornblower (Hornblower, #2) (Hornblower Saga, #2) (A Horatio Hornblower Tale of the Sea)
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower (Hornblower, #1) (Hornblower Saga, #1) (A Horatio Hornblower Tale of the Sea)
Lord Hornblower (Hornblower, #10) (Hornblower Saga, #10) (A Horatio Hornblower Tale of the Sea)