7 books
The Kirkpatrick Memorial
A History of the Old Presbyterian Congregation of "The People of Maidenhead and Hopewell"; More Especially of the First Presbyterian Church of Hopewell, at Pennington, New Jersey, Delivered at the Pastor's Request, on Sabbath Morning, July 2D, 1876
The Priuate Schoole of Defence. or the Defects of Publique Teachers, Exactly Discouered, by Way of Obiection and Resolution Together Vvith the True Practise of the Science, Set Downe in Iudicious Rules and Obseruances (1614)
The Spectrum of the High Potential Discharge Between Metallic Electrodes in Liquids and in Gases at High Pressures
A History of the Old Presbyterian Congregation of the People of Maidenhead and Hopewell
A History of the Old Presbyterian Congregation of the People of Maidenhead and Hopewell; More Especially of the First Presbyterian Church of
A Sermon by the Rev. George Hale, D.D.