400 books • 12 series
Souvenirs d'Enfance Et de Jeunesse (28e �d.) (�d.1897) (Litterature)
Histoire Du Peuple D'Israel, Volume 1...
Essais de Morale Et de Critique (Philosophie)
de la Part Des Peuples Semitiques Dans L'Histoire de la Civilisation...
Questions Contemporaines
Histoire Des Origines de Christianisme, Volume 2...
Histoire des origines du christianisme 1
Constitutional Monarchy in France
Lectures on the Influence of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome, on Christianity and the Development of the Catholic Church [Microfiche]
The Abbess of Jouarre
An Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of Hubathoean Agriculture; To Which Is Added an Inaugural Picture
Le Pretre de Nemi...
Memoire Sur Le Monotheisme Primitif
Histoire Generale Et Systeme Compare Des Langues Semitiques; Ouvrage Couronne Par L'Institut
History of the People of Israel (Volume 4); From the Rule of the Persians to That of the Greeks
Lectures on the Influence of the Institutions, Thought and Culture of Rome, on Christianity and the Development of the Catholic Church (Volume 1880)
Histoire Du Peuple D'Israel (3)
Die Apostel
The Apostles (Volume 2)
Life of Jesus (Volume 2); Translation Newly REV. from the 23d and Final Ed
Feuilles Detachees; Faisant Suite Aux Souvenirs D'Enfance Et de Jeunesse
Lettres Intimes--1842-1845-Precedees de Ma Soeur Henriette
Essais de Morale & de Critique