231 books • 7 series
The Conduct of Major Ben. Shirley, Late General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North America, Briefly Stated.
Specimens, Poetical and Critical
Notes and Sketches Illustrative of Northern Rural Life in the Eighteenth Century, by the Author of Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk
Primary Convictions; Being Discussions of Which the Greater Part Were Delivered in the Church of the Heavenly Rest, Before the President, Faculties
Fruits of Piety [Signed W.A.].
Experimental Essays on the Following Subjects; I. on the External Application of Antiseptics in Putrid Diseases. II. on the Doses and Effects of Medicines. III. on Diuretics and Sudorifics. by William Alexander
The Leading Ideas of the Gospels, Five Sermons
Quakerism Unmasked; Comprising a Glance at J. Wilkinson's Quakerism Examined
Collectitia; Or, Pieces, Religious, Moral, & Miscellaneous
The Poetical Works of William Alexander; Including His Christiad, Dramas, and Minor Poems, with Dissertations on Poetry, and a Sketch of His Life
The History of Women, from the Earliest Antiquity, to the Present Time (Volume 2); Giving Some Account of Almost Every Interesting Particular Concerning That Sex, Among All Nations, Ancient and Modern. by William Alexander, M.D. in Two Volumes
How to Sell Equitable Policies
The History of Women (Volume 1); From Their Earliest Antiquity, to the Present Time Giving an Account of Almost Every Interesting Particular Concerning That Sex, Among All Nations, Ancient and Modern
The Epistles of St. John (Volume 48-49)
The Treatment of Epilepsy
Modern Photography With Modern Miniature Cameras
Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Austrians
The Epistles of St. John; Twenty-One Discourses with Greek Text, Comparative Versions, and Notes Chiefly Exegetical
A Journey to Beresford Hall, the Seat of Charles Cotton Esqre, the Celebrated Author and Angler. [preceded by a Memoir of the Author. the Dedication Signed
The Making of Aberdeenshire. a Paper, Etc.
Johnny Gibb of Gushetneuk, in the Parish of Pyketillim; With Glimpses of the Parish Politics about A.D. 1843. [By W. Alexander. Reprinted from the 'Aberdeen Free Press.']
Select Poems. Being the Literature Prescribed for the Junior Matriculation and Junior Leaving Examinations, 1897. Edited ... by W. J. Alexander.
Select Poems ... Edited with Introduction and Notes by W. J. Alexander.
Medulla Historiae Scoticae Being a Comprehensive History of the Lives and Reigns of the Kings of Scotland, from Fergus the First, to Our Gracious Sovereign Charles the Second