986 books
Transit zone operations
The national parks of Alaska
The national pandemic influenza preparedness and response plan
Code yellow
Securing our borders
Fighting meth in America's heartland
Easing pain at the gasoline pump
Organized retail theft
Interrupting narco-terrorist threats on the high seas
Department of Veterans Affairs collaboration opportunities with affiliated medical institutions and the DOD
Oversight hearing on Veterans Benefits Administration data security
Status of Department of Veterans Affairs post-traumatic stress disorder programs
Who might be lurking at your cyber front door? Is your system really secure?
VA-DOD shared medical records
Rx for VA's nursing shortage
Legislative hearing on H.R. 23, H.R. 601, H.R. 2188, H.R. 2963, H.R. 4843, H.R. 5037, and H.R. 5038
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
Yucca Mountain Project
Hearing VI on the Department of Veterans Affairs information technology programs
Variances in disability compensation claims decisions made by VA regional offices, post-traumatic stress disorder claims review, and United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decision Allen v. Principi
Counting the vote
The state of interoperable communications. Part I, II, and III
Counterterrorism technology