446 books
H.R. 4246, the Cyber Security Information Act of 2000
Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service
How effectively is the federal government assisting state and local governments in preparing for a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack?
H.R. 4012, the Construction Quality Assurance Act of 2000
Federal real property management
Intellectual property and government R&D for homeland security
Responding to the drug crisis in northern California
Joint strike fighter acquisition reform
H.R. 3844, the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
Aircraft cannibalization
Oversight of the 1999 national drug control strategy
H.R. 2291, reauthorization of the Drug Free Communities Act
America's Main Street
F-22 cost controls
Humanitarian assistance following military operations
Making sense of procurement's alphabet soup
The American community survey--a replacement for the census long form?
An emerging drug threat in central Florida
What is HUD's role in litigation against gun manufacturers?
Paperwork inflation--past failures and future plans
Toward a telework-friendly government workplace
Status of the District of Columbia Public Schools plan for capital improvements and academic excellence
Status of construction of the Convention Center
Ensuring coordination, reducing redundancy