108 books • 4 series
A New and Vastly Improved Edition of the Industrial Resources of Wisconsin; Containing Numerous New Subjects, Not in the First Edition; Such as the Natural History of the State; Brief Sketches of Its Altered Condition at Different Periods and the Causes Lead
Centennial Proceedings and Historical Incidents of the Early Settlers of Northfield, VT; With Biographical Sketches of Prominent Business Men Who Have Been and Are Now Residents of the Town
Observations on the Duties and Offices of a Physician; And on the Method of Prosecuting Enquiries in Philosophy
The Young Lady's Parental Monitor
A Father's Legacy to His Daughters; With a Biographical Sketch of the Author
Anti-War; Two Discourses, Delivered at Williston and Burlington, July, 1846. Likewise a Discourse, Delivered at the Universalist State Convention. Montpelier, Aug. 26, 1846
The Works of the Reverend and Learned Mr. John Gregory, Master of Arts of Christ's-Church Oxon, in Two Parts; The First Containing Notes and Observations Upon Severall Passages in Scripture the Second His Posthuma, Being Divers Learned Tracts Upon Various
The Bramble; To Which Is Added a Letter to REV. Thomas Whittemore, an Answer to the Hoe, a Sermon on Temperance in All Things, Delivered at Woburn, Stoneham, and New Rowley, and a Reply to Certain Editors Who Noticed the Bramble
Lectures on the Duties and Qualifications of a Physician
Notes and Observations Upon Some Passages of Scripture by I.G. Late Master of Arts of Christ-Church Oxon. (1650)
Gregorii Opuscula, Or, Notes & Observations Upon Some Passages of Scripture with Other Learned Tracts / Written by John Gregory ... (1650)
Notes and Observations Upon Some Passages of Scripture by J. Gregory, Master of Arts of Christ-Church Oxon. (1671)
Notes and Observations Upon Some Passages of Scripture by John Gregorie, Master of Arts of Christ-Church Oxon. (1684)
Hemera Anapauseos Or, a Discourse of the Morality of the Sabbath, Being an Exposition of Exod. XX, V. 8, 9, 10, 11. with Prayers Relating Thereunto. Humbly Offered to This Present Age. by John Gregory Archdeacon Od Gloucester. (1693)
A Comparative View of the State and Faculties of Man with Those of the Animal World
A New and Vastly Improved Edition of the Industrial Resources of Wisconsin, Containing Numerous New Subjects, Not in the First Edition; Such as the Natural History of the State;
A Father's Legacy to His Daughters. by John Gregory, M.D. the Sixth Edition
Legs d'Un Pere A Ses Filles. Traduit de l'Anglois, de Feu Le Docteur Gregory d'Edimbourg. Par Le Prof. Delapierre.
Legato D'Un Padre Alle Sue Figlie; ... Opera del Dottor Gregory, Tradotta Dell'inglese, Da Giovanni Sivrac, ...
A Father's Legacy to His Daughters. by John Gregory, M.D. ...
A father's legacy to his daughters. By the late Dr. Gregory, of Edinburgh. The second edition.
A Father's Legacy. to His Daughters. by the Late Dr. Gregory of Edinburgh. a New Edition.
A Father's Legacy to His Daughters. by John Gregory, M.D. the Third Edition.