Eva Shaw, Ph.D. is the ghostwriter and author of more than 100 books, including The Conductor in the best-selling Beatrix Patterson mystery series. She's a dog mom to Welsh terrier Coco Rose, a sister, Aunt Eva, a godmother, a bonus grandmother called Fifi to precious Dane and Gwen, a friend, a devoted Christian and volunteer with her church and causes concerning women and girls, a rabid reader, an ardent gardener, a seriously silly and passionate painter (canvases and not houses), an enthusiastic traveler who has visited more than 35 foreign countries, and an amateur banjolele player. She is an online writing instructor with Education To Go and her five different courses are available through 4000 course providers worldwide.When not hanging out with Coco Rose, family, and friends, painting or playing music, you can find Eva enjoying her hometown of Carlsbad, California.