348 books • 4 series
A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship, More Particularly Design'd for the Use of the Tabernacle Congregation in London. by George Whitefield, ... the Ninth Edition
A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship, More Particularly Designed for the Use of the Tabernacle and Chapel Congregations in London. by George Whitefield, ... the Twenty-Third Edition
A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship, More Particularly Designed for the Use of the Tabernacle Congregation in London. by George Whitefield, ... the Fourteenth Edition
A Collection of Hymns for Social Worship, More Particularly Designed for the Use of the Tabernacle and Chapel Congregations in London. by George Whitefield. ... the Thirty-First Edition.
Ten Sermons on the Following Subjects; Viz. I. Christ, the Believer's Husband. II. the Gospel Supper. ... X. the Conversion of Zaccheus. by Mr. George Whitefield
A brief account of the occasion, process, and issue of a late tryal at the assize held at Gloucester, the third of March, 1743. ... Extracted from Mr. Whitefield's letter. By John Wesley, ...
A collection of hymns for social worship, more particularly designed for the use of the Tabernacle congregation in London. By George Whitefield, ... The eleventh edition.
A sermon by the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, being his last farewell to his friends, preached at the Tabernacle in Moorfields, ... August the 30th, 1769, immediately before his departure for Georgia ... The second edition.
A Letter to the Reverend Dr Durell, Vicechancellor of the University of Oxford; Occasioned by a Late Expulsion of Six Students from Edmund Hall. by George Whitefield, ...
Two Farewell Sermons, by the Late Reverend Mr. Geo. Whitefield, ... Delivered at the Chapel in Tottenham-Court-Road, on Sunday August, 27th, 1769; And at the Tabernacle in Moorfields, on Wednesday August 30th, 1769, ...
Five Sermons on the Following Subjects, Viz. I. Christ the Believer's Husband. ... V. the Resurrection of Lazarus. by George Whitefield, ... with a Preface by the Rev. Mr. Gilbert Tennent
An Expostulatory Letter, Addressed to Nicholas Lewis, Count Zinzendorff, and Lord Advocate of the Unitas Fratrum. by George Whitefield,
A Letter to the Reverend Mr. John Wesley
A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's Journal, from His Arrival at London, to His Departure from Thence on His Way to Georgia. the Second Edition.
A Communion Morning's Companion. by George Whitefield, ... the Fourth Edition
Christ the Only Preservative Against a Reprobate Spirit. a Sermon Preached at Blackheath. by George Whitefield,
A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield's Journal, from His Arrival at Savannah, to His Return to London
Sermons on Various Subjects. in Two Volumes. ... by George Whitefield, ... Volume 1 of 2
Sermons on Various Subjects. in Two Volumes. ... by George Whitefield, ... Volume 2 of 2
Fifteen sermons preached on various important subjects. By George Whitefield, ... Carefully corrected and revised ... To which is prefixed a sermon, on the character, preaching, &c. of the Rev. Mr. Whitefield. By Joseph Smith, V.D.M.
A Short Account of God's Dealings with the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield, ... from His Infancy, to the Time of His Entring Into Holy Orders. Written by Himself, on Board the Elizabeth, ... Bound from London to Philadelphia, ...
An Account of Some Lent and Other Extraordinary Processions and Ecclesiastical Entertainments, Seen at Lisbon. in Four Letters to an English Friend. with a Preface, Shewing the Reasons of Its Present Re-Publication, ... by George Whitefield,
The Observation of the Birth of Christ, the Duty of All Christians; Or the True Way of Keeping Christmas. a Sermon Preach'd at Bristol. by George Whitefield.
A Brief Account of Some Lent and Other Extraordinary Processions and Ecclesiastical Entertainments Seen Last Year at Lisbon. in Four Letters to an English Friend. ...