160 books • 19 series
Kim Thompson is a filmmaker and television writer who has written scripts for many well-known children's cartoons. She lives on Saltspring Island, British Columbia.
A Mysterious New Student
The Statue of Liberty
The White House
The Fourth of July (American Holidays)
The Washington Monument
Veterans Day (American Holidays)
The Bald Eagle
Memorial Day (American Holidays)
The United States Flag
The Liberty Bell
Labor Day (American Holidays)
Linces Bebés
Baby Orcas
Alces Bebés
Tiburones Bebés
Ranas Bebés
Orcas Bebés
Caimanes Bebés
Perezosos Bebés
Baby Raccoons
Mapaches Bebés
Baby Geckos
Baby Bobcats
Baby Ostriches