194 books • 35 series
Nice and Clean
Cars (Picture Puffin S.)
Our Garage Sale
M G Cookie-Candy Book
The Mother Goose Cookie-Candy Book
The Emperor's New Clothes
How My Garden Grew
Sick in Bed
Boats (Picture Puffin S.)
Can I Help (My World)
Big Bad Goat (Unicorn Book)
Romulus and Remus (Ready-To-Read:)
I Play in My Room
Thump Thump Thump! (Black Autobiographies)
Rockwell Anne : When We Grow up (Hbk)
My Barber
Up a Tall Tree
Rockwell Anne : Honk Honk] (Hbk)
Henry the Cat and the Big Sneeze (Greenwillow Read-Alone)
Out to Sea (Ready-To-Read:)
Walking Shoes (Reading-On-My-Own Book)
The Awful Mess
The Supermarket
Girl with Donkey Tail