355 books • 4 series
The Story of Other Wise Man
Fighting for peace
The Lost Word; A Christmas Legend of Long Ago
The Mansion (Dodo Press)
The Unknown Quantity
Ideals and Applications
Camp-Fires and Guide-Posts
Studies in Tennyson
Pro Patria
Poems II
Poems I
Counsels by the Way
The Story of the Other Wise Man(Dodo Press)
What Peace Means, and the Spirit of Christmas (Dodo Press)
The White Bees (Dodo Press)
The First Christmas Tree(Dodo Press)
Fighting for Peace (Dodo Press)
The Ruling Passion (Dodo Press)
Music and Other Poems (Dodo Press)
Songs Out of Doors (Dodo Press)
The Blue Flower (Dodo Press)
Fisherman's Luck and Some Other Uncertain Things (Dodo Press)
The House of Rimmon (Dodo Press)