56 books
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents; Grover Cleveland, First Term
State of the Union Address
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents; Grover Cleveland
Contest of 1888; Lives of the Candidates, Election Statistics and Party Platforms Also, Tariff Discussions
Presidential Problems Volume 3
What Shall We Do with It?; (Meaning the Surplus) Taxation and Revenue Discussed
Letters and Addresses of Grover Cleveland
Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Report on the Boundary Line Between Alaska and British Columbia
The Hawaiian Incident. an Examination of Mr. Cleveland's Attitude Toward the Revolution of 1893.
The Self-Made Man in American Life
Presidential Problems
The Writings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland; Volume 3
The American Schooner Ounalaska
The Government in the Chicago Strike of 1894
Addresses, State Papers and Letters;
The Writings and Speeches of Grover Cleveland
Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks
Contest of 1888
Speech Of Grover Cleveland, President Of The United States
The Independence of the Executive
The Venezuelan Boundary Controversy
What Shall We Do with It?
Fishing and Shooting Sketches
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8 Part 3-A