Laura has always lived in a world full of wonder and imagination where Faeries dance with the spring fireflies, Mermaids crowd the beaches every summer, Griffins migrate through the clouds in the autumn and Dragons kindly jump start the furnace on exceptionally cold winter mornings. She fosters the same magical view of the world in her daughters. Her oldest, Brynne, is both the co-author and a windstorm blessing who spends the hours she's not in school foraging in the berry and tomato gardens, teaching her sister the fine art of frog catching and helping her dad home brew various ancient fermentations in the kitchen.


Vicky grew up under a bush in a forest in rural England. She spent most of her time capturing everything that crawled, hopped, flew and slithered for endless, fascinating hours of observation. She learned quickly how to speak to fairies, ride on the backs of dragons and sing with mermaids, and she drew it all out in her sketch book. Today she lives on a farm in beautiful British Columbia surrounded by a whole host of amazing and magical creatures. She is still inspired by the world around her and loves nothing more than illustrating books for children that help share this love for nature.