86 books • 3 series
The Diamond (Volume 15); A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic Folk-Lore
Catalogue of a Selection of Art Objects from the Freer Collection Exhibited in the New Building of the National Museum, April 15 to June 15, 1912...
Archaic Chinese Bronzes
The Tanala, a Hill Tribe of Madagascar
Ethnology of the Mayas of Southern and Central British Honduras
Introduction of Tobacco Into Europe
The Domestication of the Cormorant in China and Japan
The Decorative Art of the Amur Tribes
Descriptive Account of the Collection of Chinese, Tibetan, Mongol, and Japanese Books in the Newberry Library
Archaic Chinese Bronzes; Of the Shang, Chou and Han Periods, in the Collections of Mr. Parish-Watson
The Chinese Gateway Volume Fieldiana, Popular Series, Anthropology, No. 1
Chinese Grave Sculptures of the Han Period (1911)
Chinese Clay Figures Volume 13, No. 2
Sino-Iranica; Chinese Contributions to the History of Civilization in Ancient Iran, with Special Reference to the History of Cultivated Plants
Chinese Clay Figures, Part 1
Notes on Turquois in the East, Volume 13, Issue 1
Chinese Clay Figures (Volume 13, #2)
Chinese Clay Figures (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 13, No.2)
The Diamond (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 15, No.1); A Study in Chinese and Hellenistic Folk-Lore
Notes on Turquois in the East (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 13, No.1)
The Beginnings of Porcelain in China (Fieldiana, Anthropology, V. 15, No.2)
Boas Anniversary Volume
The Diamond - A Study In Chinese And Hellenistic Folk-Lore