Eric Thomson is the pen name of a retired Canadian soldier with thirty-one years of service, both in the Regular Army and the Army Reserve. He spent his Regular Army career in the Infantry and his Reserve service in the Armoured Corps. He worked for a number of years as an Information Technology specialist before retiring to become a full-time author. Eric has been a voracious reader of science-fiction, military fiction and history all his life. He assiduously devoured the recommended Army reading list in his younger days and still occasionally returns to the classics for inspiration. Several years ago, he put fingers to keyboard and started writing his own military sci-fi, with a definite space opera slant, using many of his own experiences as a soldier as an inspiration for his stories and characters. When he's not writing fiction, Eric indulges in his other passions: photography, hiking and scuba diving, all of which he's shared with his wife, who likes to call herself his number one fan, for more than thirty years.