274 books • 35 series
The Birds of Aristophanes (Large Text Classic Reprint)
The Eleven Comedies, vol 2
The Eleven Comedies, vol 1
Ausgewählte Komödien Des Aristophanes, Volumes 3-4
Die Lustspiele des Aristophanes, Dritter Band
Die Frösche Des Aristophanes
Extraits D'aristophane Et De Ménandre
The Birds of Aristophanes. with Notes, and a Metrical Table
Pitt Press Series. the Plutus of Aristophanes
Die Vögel
Die Frösche
Scenes From Aristophanes
Aristophanes and War
Lysistrata and Other Works of Aristophanes
The Eleven Comedies; Volume 2
The Plutus of Aristophanes
Eight Comedies of Aristophanes
Aristophanes, Vatrachoi
Aristophanes, Ornithes
Aristophanes, Nefeles
Aristophanes, Ekklesiazouses