ROBERT MEYER, born in 1920, has devoted his life to playing the double bass in many famous orchestras and ensembles all over the world with great conductors, composers and soloists. His accomplishments as a double bass player and concert artist could fill several pages. As Benjamin Britten was quoted as saying: "He has proved himself to be a considerable musician and a fine player." His career, however, extends beyond his notable achievements as a performer and includes distinctions as both an artists and an educator. Meyer graduated from the Royal College of Music, London as a double bass soloist. He lived through the Great Depression and was at the battlefront in WW II. Robert Meyer has played in major festivals and concert halls of the world, and has an extensive discography. He still performs and gives lectures, and has just released a CD, Discovering the Double Bass. Any free time he has devoted to painting Chinese watercolours, playing the harpsichord and gourmet cooking. He now lives in Prince Edward Island, Canada.