1,431 books • 1 series
American Airpower Comes of Age
Agricultural Bioterrorism
After Desert Storm
Air Force Doctrine Document 3-05, Special Operations - USAF Special Operations Forces (AFSOF), Special Ops Legacy, Air Commandos, Agile Combat Support, Mayaguez Incident
Acquisition Management in the United States Air Force (USAF) and its Predecessors - Great War, Great Depression, Arsenal of Democracy, Demobilization, Systems Command, Reform and Streamlining
2017 U.S. Navy Force Structure Assessment (FSA) and the Request for a 355 Ship Navy, Outline of Shipbuilding Plans for Aircraft Carriers, Submarines, Nuclear Missiles, Surface Combatants, Destroyers
21st Century Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) Papers - Smart Research
2015 Special Operations Essays by the Joint Special Operations University - First Women in SOF, Synchronizing Engagements in Global SOF Network, Training Police Forces, Foreign Internal Defense
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
1776 - A Critical Time in the American Revolution
The Strategic Dimension of Chinese Engagement with Latin America - Commercial Activities in Strategic Sectors, Military Relationship, Organized Crime Ties, Triangle with America, Way Forward
Fires Red Book 2011
General Kenney Reports
Hearts and Minds
Learning from the Past
Hubble Space Telescope Systems Engineering Case Study - Technical Information and Program History of NASA's Famous HST Telescope
Army Unmanned Aircraft System Operations (FMI 3-04.155) - Improved-Gnat (I-Gnat) (RQ-1L), Hunter (RQ-5/MQ-5), Shadow (RQ-7), Raven (RQ-11) - Joint Operations, Targeting, Reconnaissance
2017 USS Fitzgerald Accident
2035 Air Dominance Requirements for State-on-State Conflict - Reaching and Penetrating the Battlespace, Air Defense Networks, Swarm and Saturation, Hypersonic Weapon, Metamaterials, Stealth, Micro Air
Ballistic Missile Submarines of the United States and the Soviet Union
A War Like No Other
History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - The War in Vietnam 1971-1973 - Defoliation, Agent Orange, Herbicide Operations, Troop Withdrawals, LINEBACKER, Collapse of South Vietnam
Complete Guide to al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda, Mujahideen Youth Movement (MYM), Terrorism in East Africa, Somalia, Mall Attack in Nairobi, Kenya, Transnational Terrorist Threat