141 books • 38 series
Qué hacen los animales de día... y de noche / Day to Night: A Flip Book
Get Your Animals in Order: Classifying the Animal World
Daytime and Night-time
Narcissistic Parent
Above, Below and Long Ago
North Pole / South Pole
Springwatch: The 2019 Almanac
Animals in Disguise
Life from Above
When We Became Humans (Incredible Evolution)
Darwin's Tree of Life
Earth from Space
People and Planet Earth (Planet Earth)
Journey Into Space (Planet Earth)
Birth of the Dinosaurs (Planet Earth)
The Big Bang and Beyond (Planet Earth)
The Evolution of You and Me (Planet Earth)
Early Life on Earth (Planet Earth)
Planet Earth (Planet Earth)
Scholastic Book of World Records 2018
Make and Move: T. Rex (Make and Move)
Planet Earth: The Evolution of You and Me (Planet Earth)
Planet Earth: Journey into Space (Planet Earth)
From Sunshine to Light Bulb (Source to Resource)