183 books • 59 series
Elizabeth I - A Tudor Queen (Focus on Tudor Life)
Film Stars (Celebrity Secrets) (21st Century Lives)
Pets (Starters)
The Facts About: The Greeks (The Facts About)
Reconstructed: The Victorians (Reconstructed)
Halle Berry (Star Files)
Favourite Classic Composers (Favourite Classic)
Artists (Favourite Classic)
Sports People (21st Century Lives)
Fashion Designers (21st Century Lives)
Star Files: Halle Berry (Star Files)
Summer (Holidays Around the World (Hardcover))
Musical Instruments (Starters)
Spring (Special Days In My Year, #1) (Holidays Around the World (Hardcover))
The Freeing of Nelson Mandela (Days That Shook the World)
Toys and Games (Changes)
Autumn (Special Days In My Year, #3) (Holidays Around the World (Hardcover))
Winter (Holidays Around the World (Hardcover))
Pablo Picasso (Famous Lives)
Elvis Presley (Famous Lives)
The Freeing of Nelson Mandela (Days That Shook the Worl)
Pablo Picasso