83 books
The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, Made in the Year 1664-5, by Sir William Dugdale, Knight, Norroy King of Arms
The Antient Usage in Bearing of Such Ensigns of Honour as Are Commonly Call'd Arms. with a Catalogue of the Present Nobility and Baronets of
Staffordshire Pedigrees Based on the Visitation of That County
Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with Additions (PT.5)
Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with Additions Volume 3
The Life, Diary, and Correspondence of Sir William Dugdale; With an Appendix, Containing an Account of His Published Works, an Index to His
Heraldic Miscellanies, Consisting of the Lives of Sir William Dugdale, and Gregory King
The Visitation of Derbyshire
The Visitation of the County of Yorke Begun in a Dni MDCLXV. and Finished a Dni MDCLXVI
Heraldic Miscellanies
The Guilt of the Templars