39 books • 3 series
Miss Clara and the Celebrity Beast in Art 1500–1860
Immanuel, or a Discovery of True Religion, as It Imports a Living Principle in the Minds of Men, Vol. 1
The Works of Rev. Samuel Shaw, M. A, Vol. 2 of 2
Communion with the Deity
Zebra (Animal)
The Voice of One Crying in a Wilderness, or the Business of a Christian, Both Antecedaneous To, Concomitant Of, and Consequent Upon, a Sore and Heavy Visitation
An Accurate Alphabetical Index of the Registered Entails in Scotland, from the Passing of an Act of Parliament in the Year 1685, to February 4 1784
The Works of Rev. Samuel Shaw, M. A., Minister of the Gospel in London, Vol. 1 of 2 (Classic Reprint)
Edwardian Culture (Among the Victorians and Modernists)
An Accurate Alphabetical Index of the Registered Entails in Scotland
William Rothenstein and His Circle
The Mourner's Companion
From Bradford to Benares: the Art of Sir William Rothenstein
The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw - Scholar's Choice Edition
Immanuel or True Religion, a Living Principle in the Minds of Men, and Welcome to Affliction
The Works, Volume 2...
Sermons Upon Several Important Subjects; Containing a Welcome to the Plague, a Farwell to Life, and the Angelical Life
Immanuel, Or, a Discovery of True Religion; As It Imports a Living Principle in the Minds of Men. with a Discourse Concerning Communion with God
The Voice of One Crying in a Wilderness; Or, the Business of a Christian Represented in Several Sermons, Under the Following Titles, Viz. a Welcome to the Plague, a Farewel to Life, the Angelic Life
The Suffering Christian's Companion
The Journals of Major Samuel Shaw, the First American Consul at Canton. with a Life of the Author, by J. Quincy.
Adam Abel, Or, Vain Man a Discourse Fitted for Funeral Occasions, But Serviceable to Men in All Ages and Conditions of Life to Make Them Humble and Heavenly-Minded / By Samuel Shaw ... (1692)
Words Made Visible, Or, Grammar and Rhetorick Accommodated to the Lives and Manners of Men Represented in a Country School for the Entertainment and Edification of the Spectators. (1679)
The Great Commandment a Discourse Upon Psal. 73. 25. Shewing That God Is All Things to a Religious Soul. Being a Further Explication of a Short Discourse Called, the Angelical Life, Formerly Written by the Same Author S.S. (1678)