120 books • 1 series
Mohammed Ali and His House; An Historical Romance
The Works of Louise Muhlbach in Eighteen Volumes; Napoleon and Blucher
Andreas Hofer; An Historical Novel
Berlin and Sans-Souci; Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends. a Historical Romance
Berlin and Sans-Souci, Or, Frederick the Great and His Friends; An Historical Romance
Napoleon and Bl Cher. an Historical Novel
Queen Hortense; A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era. [An Historical Novel]
Marie Antoinette and Her Son; An Historical Novel
Henry the Eighth and His Court
Mohammed Ali and His House
Joseph II and His Court, Volume I
Joseph II and His Court, Volume 2
The Reign of the Great Elector
Frederick the Great and His Family Volume 2
Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia
Andreas Hofer
Napoleon and Blucher
The Empress Josephine
Marie Antoinette and Her Son
The Daughter of an Empress
Marie Antoinette and Her Son. an Historical Novel. by L. Muhlbach [Pseud.] ... Tr. from the German, by REV. W. L. Gage.
The Youth of the Great Elector
Louisa of Prussia and Her Times
Frederick the Great and His Family