142 books
Economic and social issues affecting the northwest tribes
Law and order in Indian Country
Advancing Indian health care
S. 1635, seventh generation promise
S. 1690, to amend the Act of March 1, 1933, to transfer certain authority and resources to the Utah Dineh Corporation, and for other purposes
Health care without an IHS hospital
Examining federal declinations to prosecute crimes in Indian Country
Where's the trustee?
S. 439, the Indian Development Finance Corporation Act, S. 2802, the Blackfoot River Land Settlement Act of 2009, and S. 1264, the Pine River Indian Irrigation Project Act of 2009
Tracking sex offenders in Indian country
H.R. 4347, to amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act to provide further self-governance by Indian tribes and for other purposes
Examining lessons learned from Operation Dakota Peacekeeper
Examining Bureau of Indian Affairs and tribal police recruitment, training, hiring, and retention
Indian energy and energy efficiency
Examining the federal tax treatment of health care benefits provided by tribal governments to their citizens
The status of backlogs at the Department of the Interior
Indian gaming
Progress and future of Operation Dakota Peacekeeper
Receiving the views and priorities of Interior Secretary Ken Salazar with regard to matters of Indian affairs
Nomination of Robert G. McSwain to be director of the Indian Health Service
Examining drug smuggling and gang activity in Indian country
Nomination of Lillian A. Sparks to be commissioner of the Administration for Native Americans, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services